Snowscape Near Kemblesville
32 x 48 oil on canvas 1984
Stream in Solanco
15 x 20 oil on paper 1986
Lancaster County Hills
15 x 20 oil on paper 1986
Susquehanna Highlands Farm Scene
15 x20 oil on paper 1986
18 Minutes to Sunset
15 x 20 oil on paper 1986
Red Barn Chester County
32 x 48 oil on canvas 1986
Susquehanna River and Holtwood Dam
17 x 38 oil on paper 1987
Panoramic view of the Susquehanna riverbed
at teh Holtwood dam.
On the Plateau (Near Selinsgrove)
17 x 27 oil on paper 1989
Ridgetop farm framed by a water gap.
Three Silos, Lancaster County Vista
32 x 48 oil on canvas 1990
15 and 11
15 x 20 oil on paper 1989
This scene has been replaced by a modern highway.
The Orange Cart
16 x 20 oil on canvas 1989
A mountaun farm near State College, Pennsylvania.
Iron Range Light Along Delaware Route 9
16 x 20 oil on canvas 1990
These iron range lights dot the lower
New Castle County landscape.
Under the Violet Sky
18 x 28 oil on paper 1991
The sun sits on the horizon near Peach Bottom, Pennsylvania.
"Remember We were There!"
32 x 48 oil on canvas 1992
The Holtwood Pinnacle
15 x 20 oil on canvas 1989
Juniate River Panorama
15 x 30 oil on canvas 1991
Cape Henlopen Lighthouse
oil on canvas 1991
Sunburst in the Storm, Susquehannock
32 x 48 oil on canvas 1994
A line of Mountains, Central Pennsylvania
32 x 48 oil on canvas 1994
Emerald June Evening Near Wellsboro
15 x 20 oil on paper 1992
Little Elk Creek Barn, Plein air
15 x 20 oil on paper 2002
10 - 21